How often do you hear the phrase "traditional wedding"? Have you ever thought about It's meaning? When it comes to the wedding the only thing that bride and groom care about is everything going in a proper way. But traditions are really important. For some reasons they still preserved. So here are some facts about the origin of wedding traditions.

wedding traditions

White wedding dress

White wedding dress became popular after the marriage of Queen Victoria, who was the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in XIX century. For her wedding, she chose a white silk-satin wedding dress. The official portrait of the married couple was widely published. Many other brides liked Queen Victoria's choice and started to wear white dress on their weddings too, according to the queen's style.

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A tradition to wear veil comes from ancient Greece and Rome. They believed that the veil protected bride from temptations, sent by evil spirits. In Ancient Rome, the veil was red and symbolized the woman's belonging to her husband. In Greece, the brides wore long yellow veils. They believed that the happiness of the married couple will be as long as the vail.

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Carrying the bride over the threshold

People used to believe that the evil spirits and demons were hiding under the threshold. That's why the groom carried the bride over it to protect her and prevent from the falling down.

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Ring finger

The tradition to wear the ring on the fourth finger of the left hand also came to us from ancient times. The Romans believed that the "vena amoris", or the vein of love runs through that finger. And the ring itself symbolized eternity.

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Wedding cake

This tradition came to us from ancient Rome. The guests of the wedding used to break a loaf of bread over the bride's head for fertility's sake. Over the years breaking a bread developed into the cutting the cake.

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We hope this information was interesting for you. If you liked the photos from this post and still have no wedding photographer we can help you with it. Just contact us and our managers will create the most suitable package for you. Our team consists of professional wedding photographers. They will help you with the poses ideas and make sure you will remember the precious moments of your wedding forever!